
Talking Blue County Blues

Dreamers keep on sleeping
while those with real vision
move through the thickets
aware of what lays ahead

You're looking backwards
fact checking all the
same ignorant sources
hoping for some sanity
amid the dusty cattle herd

Garyn and Bobby
Andy and Ben
Jackie's been bouncing
on bathtub gin

Maya and Marya
cooking up something
precociously measuring
stamping their feet
fascinatingly fleetfooted
for a couple of kooks

So yeah there's still
some dead weight loss
can't shake this feeling

Another grimy spinster
whips around the hatch
griping in excess
of a broken down back

Exiting the highway
in an unorthodox
manner if that
means anything at all
then we've been driving
for far too long

Ambulance Blues

Getting pulled over by the police is a jarring experience. Except, when you come off as a competent individual. If you beat them to the punch, then it's lights out!
In relative honor, of a great Saturday night out, we sing to thee our new song called "Neighborhood Watch"; a gay tale, I'm quite sure of it.

Ok now this is happening:

For my final thought; Ben Kweller is the 5th member of Badfinger, we just never knew it. The drums are so crisp; yeah it's from Fort-Worth, Texas, but it wasn't fried with southern batter. This makes me think that anyone is capable of being literate no matter the socio-economic circumstances that people haphazardly associate with being unable to locate their elbow from their ass. Just what is this Texas!?!?!? I demand answers; first, the jews are up in arms, kvetching about, to and fro, gently mocking their current landlords that, even though they pay rent the best, even though they're clear on the fact that she's selling the place, they plead for an extra month to get all their chachkas out of the joint.

Smelling like Roses, it's the springtime shuffling line 08540, 2378, 2378; casual, casually dripping wet.Benjamin Kweller's "album" that made 90's slackers forget all about Radish.

Badfinger; no, not an anglo-ska band, rather the supposed next greatest thing, according to the Beatles, if you buy in to that sort of thing; I did, and I wasn't even a twinkle in my momma's eye when it actually happened. So I ask then, is history more important then the future, what is the point of releasing things to the public; when do you want to be understood? What is the fundamental values that set your aims in a manner that can be easily understood? Are you bi? Bi-curious? Bi-pre All-Star break blockbuster? Biennial? Buy more Lipton Tea®.