

When I read a book like George Orwell's "Down and Out in Paris and London" my brain shuts off for the subsequent hours while I process what it is I had been shoving in front of my eyes for a week straight. The basic premise is that our main man G.O. loses his two sources of income in Paris while plies his craft at becoming a writer, something he believes he was born to do. He then relies on his journal/wits to retell the interim period in which he was flat broke. The characters he unveils throughout his exasperating walks come, unsurprisingly, from the dregs of society.

If there are any takeaway lessons from the book, they might be;

-It's way iller to be poor in Paris than in London.

-You can definitely still go to jail for, to quote Richard Manuel of the Band, "the crime of having nowhere to go".

-Orwell believes that those "tramps" who skulk about the country side for fear of being locked up are divided in to two camps; 1)the educated who have fallen on hard times and 2)working stiffs whose services were no longer required at their prior line of work. In the case of the latter, he seems to claim that they lack two things; 1) something to keep their bodies, and therefore minds, occupied and 2) some kind of sexual activity. Orwell repeatedly mentions the rampant homosexuality among the wandering homeless/unemployed of Great Britain.

That's about it, also Simmons is doing a podcast about NBA trades, and....I'm listening.

Cantankerous Sores

It's sunny and 75, what the fuck Huelva? I love you.

This blog is a great little space to explore some things of interest:

Ben Baker-Smith just launched a new website; check it out here.

Joe Flaherty was in my dream the other night; check out his IMDB page here.

This video is a fucking disgrace, but kind of exactly the direction I'm headed in sonically.

Steak Fritters

I have noticed that, more often than not, people who work lower level security jobs or clerk positions here in Huelva do the absolute minimum required. If you give them money, they love you forever.

I have no problem giving this drop a second plug; nobody I know is working harder than Taka at making some original sounds.

Cancel my subscription to Spanish Elle Magazine; their christmas edition featured some of the most homoerotic photos of Pau Gasol I have EVER seen.

Why is it suddenly a big deal that MIA is Tamil?(Psych; read about some real shit) Fucking NYT missed the boat on that one like they were Elian Gonzalez's momma (RIP).