
No False Promises

NO time for that these days.

Music is free (if you've already paid the cost to read this message here), then it's all love.

Allmusic.com isn't always the best; sometimes though they write these obituaries that just crush your heart in to little thc et. al soaked pieces.

I tried to make a remix of one of these songs once; then I thought, that's silly, I didn't know the guy or anything personally affecting in this stuff. He just bares his soul though; if this 5-percenter online reference guide reading is to be used in any way whatsoever, we've got to consult further sources.

I was standing by the window's edge...

It's a beautiful day for dusting off someone else's trash; that you paid for, because the music is all that matters, we all pay for it one way or another.

The point of money is to make things complex.

The Labyrinth, this is what haunts me and my dreams.

I used to listen to this shit in some clown ass spaceship, had to be at least a medal-winner in the strange youthful memory olympics of Summer 2009.


Say what you will.

Say what you will.

Gary, Indiana? No, worldwide New York fame.