
Yan Can Cook

As soon as I buy the plane ticket, I'm headed somewhere in Andalucía, España in late September. Even though it feels like something radically different, since I won't be returning directly to an American university after this experience, I now have to entertain thoughts of just what I'm going to do when I get back.

Do I dare
Disturb the Universe?

And tell you all that I think Phish manages to ruin one of the best songs Neil Young has ever written, in a way totally unique to them and them alone. In reality, if Trey Anastasio wasn't onstage, I would have no complaints, but for chrissakes, he doesn't know the fucking words to the hook.

Jersey girls are pretty
awful to each other
insert any adjective
before that noun
and the result
is essentially the same



Kate Mooney said...

i'm sorry, but in this case, pretty is an adverb modifying awful, the adjective, so i don't know what noun you are talking about...but almost really funny.

ps have you heard of "bridge and tunnel syndrome"?
pretty funny
oh and apparently i am very jersey girl, fyi

Jamøn Serrano said...

It was jersey modifying girl; which I think you proved correct in your comment!