
13 makes a baker's dozen

Drums are amazing; you've seen the likes of Buddy Rich, Dan Shaugnnessy, and ANIMAL on this silly weblog, but gather round children I've got a story to tell.

In the sleepy suburb of Salisbury, Maryland, I encountered a house of gentlemen with two beautiful drum kits facing each other in the basement. They only drink Natty Bo
and I can't complain, in fact you might even say that it is some of the best cheap beer on the planet, if the planet was specifically eastern Maryland.

As we are all chilling in the porch area, we are asked if we want to see the drum set up, and before we know it, there are two kits getting slammed simultaneously. It's an orgy in rhythm, and like the slut that I am, I get my bass and my amp from the car, and make some magic.

Vacation is sweeeeet.

p.s.-NBA players to Europe is almost worse than Favre related speculation.

1 comment:

Kate Mooney said...

hey friend,

so i've joined you in the blogosphere! oh my god! check it out:


see you there