
Idiot Wind

Wowwie Wow Wow.

Somedays, like it or not, you end up being completely inept. Today involved three specific goals: 1) Get to the hostel and orientated, perhaps meet people who I could find an apartment with, and rest up for partying most likely. 2) Buy a towel and some toothpaste. 3)Get a Spanish celly.

Item 1 was a great success; people are chill, it's an incredibly young city (many students), and chilling will be a frequent occurrence. After that my itinerary gets a bit dicey.

As I ambled about the city center, I must have came upon the same 5 cell phone stores a million times. None of them were PHONE HOUSE; the only provider that carries Happy Móvil (), the only brand I will ever purchase from in Spain, because it has the best brand name appeal. (Why else directly link to it?)

Amid the moronic shuffle of not finding the damn place, I neglected to collect a razor, more toothpaste or a towel; I don't NEED any of these things yet, but I can still be disappointed.

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