
Banking on a Myth

The word crisis is getting tossed around like an old Wilson Football in the parking lot of a Eagles game these days; it's not pretty. So, where the hell do we go from here? I can't help but think that we've all got to get up off our asses and do something, but what about the fearful 'pussies' that populate such a decidedly large portion of the population (myself included by writing these very words)? Is the army really such a bad thing? Yes. I heard from a friend recently that his older sister, armed with a Master's from Harvard's Divinity school, is looking for work as a secretary, and even then she's struggling to get hired. Qualifications don't really seem to mean shit, and all I see on the horizon is red, red, red. So are we in a crisis, or is it just that, for the youth of today, that we haven't been mobilized for a cause?

As the speed of information increases, over saturation will naturally follow. I'm not sure if this is a viable source of apathy among young people; our parent's generation may beg to differ, but if they can't figure out how to turn the fucking TV on, then they can't talk shit. There will always be insecure, egocentric fucks running around talking about as many things as they can fit inside their petty minds. To make things worse, there is no universal way of labeling someone as any of these things; one man's apathy is another man's herculean struggle. This is why we gotta drop the bullshit, and start making some real shit, all of us.

What this entails, as far as my hypocritical, narcissistic self is concerned, is not feeling so sorry for ourselves; historically we've got it really good, oh and don't we know it. Op-Eds have been flying hot off the presses for a good while now about America's chance to save the world through innovation. I think that is on point, and I recommend anyone to brush up on some Thomas Friedman, David Brooks, Bob Herbert, and a certain Nobel prize winning economist Paul Krugman if they have the chance; that shit's free anyways.

So innovation can come in any shape or form imaginable (or perhaps not previously conceived). How about the sex toy industry? How about the need for a cigarette that has vitamins and minerals? How about films about the sex lives of insects? What's that, Isabella Rosselini has already innovated?

And now for something completely different:

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Do it because I'm a Phillies fan.

1 comment:

Ryan W said...

So, does Lennon actually burn down that random chick's house after she denies him sex and makes him sleep in a bathtub (Norwegian Wood (This Bird has Flown))?