
Oh Nine

So the new year is officially here, if you're running a week late like I am. There were no y2k bugs to fix this year (except Microsoft; oh sweet angel of progress, wing me down a zune).

Things to be scared of in 2009:

-Your own shadow
-The Red Light District of Amsterdam (Fake Titties and taped back dicks flying around like Wilsons at the nfl combine)
-Shadowboxing in public
-Military action in the middle east
-Hank Paulson
-Super AIDS (Not to be confused with super-duper AIDS, my christian rock band)
-Gruff Rhys (in a good way?)
-The rise of some new drug that we must fight before it gets out and floods our streets (jenkum (sic?)) [gives me a headache just pondering the notion)
-Martin Raboteau (Is there a more threatening non-threat out there?)
-Filipino legend Manny Pacqua (In the ring and in our hearts)
-My poor timing, 3rd grade writing level and 5th grade comprehension. (I don't understand when, how or why one might utilize the parenthetical)
-Incubus (I am trembling in fear)
-Gary Numan (Movies!)
-Bronze Sculptures (You know...)
-Losing your kidneys in some freak accident (Booze is tearing away at the lining of my intestine)
-Italian women (you will be the death of me in some form)

The next step in music made by animals for animals has arrived (2 years late); Candylion candyflouge.

1 comment:

purple_Crayons said...

they cut those shapes so perfectly.
great song