
It's a big big world

Even though, I'm utterly convinced that Tara Moncure has her own unique weight as a satellite in this world; every time I go abroad I meet, bare minimum, another random acquaintance of the lovely Larchmont bred lass.

So, what of seeking out a fortune in a foreign land in the world of music?

While working the music at a friend's birthday party I was approached by a fellow from this band, Sonidoex:

Admittedly clownish stuff, but what are you supposed to do when the guy has a fuckin goober of hash sticking off his thumb and he's shoving it in your face, while half-assedly complimenting your rudimentary POS audio-digital signal converter while slowly backtracking when he notices the ounce and a half of bud chilling next to the laptop? He later rescinded his compliments, but was kind enough to call me a musician, which is really funny.

SO maybe there is room to make music in Europe; let's all hope so.

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