
Steak Fritters

I have noticed that, more often than not, people who work lower level security jobs or clerk positions here in Huelva do the absolute minimum required. If you give them money, they love you forever.

I have no problem giving this drop a second plug; nobody I know is working harder than Taka at making some original sounds.

Cancel my subscription to Spanish Elle Magazine; their christmas edition featured some of the most homoerotic photos of Pau Gasol I have EVER seen.

Why is it suddenly a big deal that MIA is Tamil?(Psych; read about some real shit) Fucking NYT missed the boat on that one like they were Elian Gonzalez's momma (RIP).


purple_Crayons said...


for real. no one's surprised that jews overwhelmingly support israel. i'm not sure why MIA is so different.

thanks for the plug, homie

purple_Crayons said...

btw, how can you bring up pau gasol's Elle photos and not post them?