


It's been an interesting 2009 so far; Republicans are aging in Dog Years (light years?), Democrats don't seem to have paid any attention to the 2 plus years of campaigning that led to November 4th, The Knicks are in playoff contention (outside of Washington, EVERYBODY is in contention in the Eastern Conference), Free Darko book ages like a fine wine, it's cold as hell in my shitty apartment that I will be hopefully moving out of in a couple of days in to a baller crib a block and a half away. Yes, there was a new drop; Pro-Fil-Lactix Gratuite finally came to fruition.

It's only February, but I am personally very excited for the ridiculousness that will ensue in the coming months/lifetime.

Hope all y'all gainfully employed people are thanking your lucky stars.

Hope ye unemployed, especially in DC, are not enjoying the recent lift on gun bans too much.

Jimmy Fallon gets his own late night show; maybe we'll be seeing more of Paul Barman. As was once told to me, "09 is mine" is MC Paul B's catchphrase; he will be competing with panic, mcdonald's and jeans with adjustable waistbands for America's heart.

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