

I really like the new DOOM; I also happen to like the snakey, sparse bass playing on the track "Bumpy's Message" in which Freddie Foxxx sounds like he's fucking dying.

I keep bumping in to NYT books articles on David Foster Wallace or vacation homes.

What's up with AIDS research? Are we making any improvements lately? What about Larry David in a Woody Allen movie?

What about falling asleep at the wheel? What about Conservative Oberlin grads speaking their mind on Senator Specter? Right here, Michelle!

I can't stop reading deadspin, I CAN'T! Will Leitch is the writer of things that hurt my brain in that soft, subtle way. So of course they switch it up and let someone else write about a derival, but intriguing sub-plot of ten human body parts.


1 comment:

Sam said...

HOLY FUCK.. industry shakedown was my favorite fucking hip hop album, no lie, from ages 15-16. Listened to that shit constantly after being introduced to Bumpy via some dj revolution y2k mix album or some shit back in those glorious sunshiney yearss.... THANK YOU... i'm dling this shit now and preparing for a proustian rush of reminisncinsicnineinence.

the aforementioned hip hop album titled in reference to bukowski... ... ... alex perhaps somehow secretly... you could assist me... a little gmailed zip file... you know what I'm talking about... say no more, hush hush... unless there's a better place to go you know.