

DUNCECASTING #1 of 10: Too Long To Twitter, Too Short to Die
I’m your host, Dun Dudnick, here with me on the boards is Algo and Beat-O on the ritmo kit/celery sticks. Let’s hope I don’t get too excited and jump in to a door frame.

Audio Chronology:
Funkenstein; the first trans-atlantic Bird of a Feather co-production by Carsten and Beat-O et. al.
Rivers Cuomo made an ‘a capella’, and the logic came to give it the typical slacker treatment.
Albert King & SRV talking about what it’s all about for the worker bee.
Hot Sugar refixes another anthem of our youth, like only he can.
10CC off the album Sheet Music, “Wild Old Men”; Ratatat sampled that guitar solo, no?
Abbreviated TRANS, for my sake and everyone else’s. Neil Young (!) in Berlin (!) in June!
Nico’s “Wrap Your Troubles in Dreams”, a lushly orchestrated piece that Danger Doom sampled on ‘Korn Dogs’ a track that I used to listen to a fair amount in my time as a summer child.
De La Soul is Dead! De La Soul is Dead man! I don’t want to deconstruct Born Like This, I want to praise it for clueing me in to the importance of Prince Paul in making real music again.
Studio 54 in Berlin, June 29th, why not?


Sam said...

I would offer to guest - write for you if I thought you needed the help al. Re: V. -- glad you're in the thick of it. keep me posted on your thoughts as the book's structure begins to concentrically circle and brachiate. and should i actually start watching these videos on fractals?

Jamøn Serrano said...

I would never ask you to watch anything that was posted here, I watched those videos in one 45 minute burst the day I submitted my last final paper at Oberlin; it's also the name of the band I'm playing in when I get back to the states; absurdist/obscure self-hype.

There are things happening in V that are again causing my brain to fold over itself in new and exciting shapes!