
pissing in the wind

You can't fight the powers of the mainstream; and hell, who in their right mind would, except for the idiot who wants to hold the reins on that power game. The monkeys who assume the three positions of pious action (see NO evil, hear NO evil, speak NO evil) are decidedly more on point in their negation of such things than I had ever considered until RIGHT NOW.

Update your idols, and you can make it all the way to pitchfork. Kill your idols? Sit and wait for the angry mob to come storm the castle of yer mind. Who wants to piss in the wind? Who wants to sit on the breezy hillside and get someone else's urine in your mouth as you go in to kiss the one you've known you've always loved? Who doesn't love Robert Kelly?

So, there's just no need to keep crying myself to sleep, no matter what I wake up bleary eyed.

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