
Oh Shit!

For those of you who don't personally know my father, let me just say I'm sorry you haven't had the pleasure of crossing paths with a man of such mirth. One particularly brilliant nugget of wisdom the old man dropped in my lap once was that the final days of the Roman Empire were marked by the importance of spectator sport amid the collapsing pillars of society (economy, military might, etc...); juxtaposed, America seems to be at an intriguing point of comparison, or not, that's for someone with a more educated opinion to decide (too bad Halberstam's dead).

That said, I can't help but sport some minor wood for two phantastic signings over the last week or so: Raul Ibañez and Chan Ho Park are signed on for the 2009 season.

Billy Crystal was an NBA referee in a movie, and played the token gay on the late, great SOAP. Let's take a look at some footage, and compare the characters:

There you have it; I think he's much gayer when he's an nba ref.

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