

Now that I'm absolutely positive that noone at the school I work at reads English at more than a third-grade level, I can finally rest easy at night: when I was younger, I always wondered why the PTA existed, or why people had to lobby for membership, etc; now it finally makes sense that an active civil society is the crux of raising standards, matter not how artificial these constructs may be. Here in Spain, parents come to their children's schools only for emergencies, to sew costumes for Christmas plays or to chain smoke cigarettes directly in front of 4 year olds.

Noam Chomsky famously wrote, "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously", just to prove a point that language is ridiculous, I think; with that in mind, I invite anyone who reads this, above a third-grade level, to offer their own take on the absurd nature of written English. Winner gets a prize in the mail (Offer good thru 12/31)!


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