
Arroyo=Brook (Vocabulary lessons)

David Brooks says of Obama on inauguration day, "To an almost eerie extent, he exemplifies discipline, equipoise and self-control. Under his leadership, as Peter Beinart noted in Time, Democrats came to seem like the party of order while Republicans were associated with disorder."
What the fuck is eerie about being organized, other than a writer projecting his own insecurities about an accomplished, dedicated example of the American dream that has the courage to solicit the aid of the other party's top man? I can't shrug off the notion that these conservative op-edders are viewed the same way right now by their identifying constituency as I read Bob Herbert, who seems pretty centrist and level-headed, at least, in his opinions, or any other number of people who attacked Bush's policies based on some form of rational thinking; the problem is, David, that the Republican Party is STILL the party of "values", they project an image of some kind of moral superiority. Basically, it's gonna be a long 4 years for people who are still banging Bush's drum; Karl Rove will awake in the middle of the night doing some half assed "who's line is it anyway" rap and realize he's sleeping next to Ryan Stiles, Diedrich Bader, Drew Carey and Mimi, and that he lives in Cleveland.

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