
In the Gross and Scope of my Opinion...

Paul Dawson opened my eyes to a lot of simple, but effective strategies; one that I hope to employ more often, and was recently reminded of while reading Lewis Hyde's Trickster Makes This World, is summing up.

So, without further ado, a whole bunch of shit:

-New links to check out; fer example I'm not sure why I like this so much, but it is brilliant.
-Old links to check out; Here, there and everywhere.
-Sex, lies and videotape: I want to have more guest posts, judging from the fact that no one really reads this hodgepodge of nonsense anyway. So, if you want to rant about anything in a somewhat flowing manner you can shoot me a line at alex.sugiura@gmail.com
-According to that feedjit widget, people occasionally dl the music that gets uploaded (or does it, that's right move along RIA...), this makes me happy that I can be of service, so expect plent more of this.
-Henry Abbot, I demand satisfaction!

Hello Tewksbury pie!

Kevin Martin teaches us the all important lesson that if you're objectively good at something, in his case, scoring a basketball at the highest professional level, then it doesn't matter how you are good at it. Remember this while you are reading your college friend's blogs at your work desk.

Elegant love song of the millenium.

1 comment:

Sam said...

Trickster? I keep meaning to read "the gift"... Hyde's new book that's coming out soon sounds like the bomb. you are the man sugar. I may guest post after a few months of prep contemplation etc.

my captcha word verification today is "prous"